Monday, May 29, 2006

According To Merriam-Webster. Not Really.

Exams= stress, watching movies you hardly like for a break, chain-smoking, inability to conceive of life after the exams, inability to stop thinking about life after the exams, anxiety, preoccupation with the most minimal things, staring at the walls, texting for the sake of texting, eating for the sake of eating, sleeping for the sake of sleeping, taking showers for the sake of taking showers, insomnia, lack of desire to just get down to it, lack of desire to go out, lack of desire to stay in, obsession with the news, the lack of creative obsession, the lack of duty, the lack of sleep, the lack of food, the lack of concentration, the void of the minute.


Anonymous said...


Elle said...

i know..

theo said...

trying to avoid what's happening around you (i.e. exams) by doing every other little thing... worst period of the year!

Anonymous said...

Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.